Color From Colors

Color From Colors :                     (Install Now)

Drag primary colors, mix and get next color.

Drag primary colors, mix and get next color. This application is created to give knowledge of color mixing to learner. It is appropriate for all who are interested in science knowledge but specially for student of school level. There are three buckets of primary colors red, green and blue and fourth black bucket to mix colors. Drag primary colors to black bucket and press Mix button to get mixture of the colors.

1. There are three color buckets with three primary colors which are red, green and blue.
2. There is a black frame as a container in which you can put colors to be mixed.
3. You have to drag primary colors from bucket to frame and press mix button.
4. Press reset button to empty the frame.
5. You can view percentage of primary colors next to mix button.

Best of Luck


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